
Francine Maté — Choirmaster

Dr. Francine Maté, who has been our organist and choir director since 1998, received her DMA and MM degrees from The University of Michigan, and was a music copyright examiner with the United States Copyright Office in the Library of Congress.

Dr. Maté recorded a CD, For the Means of Grace and the Hope of Glory, on the organ in 1999.

The A. David Moore Organ

The church’s classical-action pipe organ was built by A. David Moore in 1981. Perhaps partly because of the superb quality of this instrument, we have been blessed with a succession of very fine organists, and a high proportion of the parish members demonstrate their appreciation of the music by remaining in their seats to hear the full postlude every Sunday.

The Choir

The small choir is composed of volunteers and an occasional paid professional. Under Dr. Francine Maté’s guidance the choir leads hymns and service music and performs offertory anthems through most of the year, with a break over the summer.

The Grace Church Choir sings at the 10:30 service from the Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before the Memorial Day weekend. Our rehearsals are Sunday mornings from 9:30–10:15 in the choir loft. The choir also sings at the Christmas Eve service. Although participation is highly recommended for all rehearsals and services, it is not mandatory. All choir members have family responsibilities and work related travel. This does not allow for 100 % attendance the entire year.

We sing a variety of choral literature from Renaissance music through to the present day.

We have a number of works in our “repertoire” which we repeat from time to time during the year, but we are always working on at least one new and challenging piece to add to our repertoire.

If you are interested in joining the choir, please see Francine Maté, the Rector, or any choir member.


Want to hire our Organist for your event?


See our Organist’s Fee Schedule below:

  • Wedding | $500
  • Wedding + Wedding Rehearsal | $650
  • Memorial / Funeral Service | $300

Fees include consultation on music selection and practice time.