Centering prayer
Mid-Week Prayer Group
12:15 pm-1:00 pm on Tuesdays on Zoom
Centering Prayer is a form of Christian meditation based on a book called The Cloud of Unknowing, a fifteenth century manuscript, which is thought of as “a short book of prayer in the Christian tradition.”
It is a time of quiet in which you open your mind to God and try not to let thoughts creep in. They do creep in, and you brush them away with a word or phrase you have chosen to use for this purpose, such as “Peace” or “Jesus come,” trying to keep your mind open to God.
At Grace we do this on Tuesday at 12:15 P.M. along with reading the Psalm and the Gospel for the coming Sunday. It is a powerful, calming, and refreshing way to spend about 40 minutes in total. Please come join us for an oasis of calm in the midst of your busy day.
Through silence and surrender, we reach for deep communion with the Holy Spirit. Centering Prayer opens to us a deeper understanding of the Gospels, a new appreciation of liturgy, and a sense of sacredness in our daily routines. No matter how imperfect our practice, Centering Prayer can be deeply transformative.

For further information:
Links to Zoom and the guide for Centering Prayer are emailed to those who are on our email list.
Please use the following link to sign-up for our Centering Prayer Email List: subscribe here.