Pastoral care
Pastoral care is at the core of the Christian experience. All of us, simply by worshiping together, care for the spiritual lives of one another; when we join a church, we make ourselves available to meet other needs as well.
The Pastoral Care Committee exists to help the church meet congregants’ needs in an organized way, to make sure that no lost sheep are overlooked. The watchful eyes and ears of all parishioners are necessary to alert the church office and/or committee members to any life event-be it sad, like an illness or death in the family, or happy, like a baby or wedding-that could call for the committee’s resources.

The simplest and most straightforward of the committee’s jobs is writing notes to the recently bereaved-newlyweds-or others in need of support and encouragement, just to let them know that someone notices and is praying for them.
Members also call parishioners who may not have come to services for awhile, or who are ill.
Companionship & Assistance For the Homebound
House-bound parishioners may derive comfort and companionship from a Grace Church visitor. Such visits also strengthen the connection of both parties to one another and the church community. Length and frequencies of visits should be negotiated depending on the convenience and desires of both parties.
Home visits may include running an errand or providing transportation to a medical appointment. The committee once organized rotating daily maternal assistance to a new mother of twins.
Visiting people in the hospital or those recuperating from an illness at home can be a very supportive ministry to the patient, and lets the parishioner know we are thinking about them, care about them, miss them, and are praying for them. If the recuperating person isn’t receiving visitors, the caregiver might bring a covered dish or lunch or supper to help the sick person and family members.
Communion for a Parishioner’s Home
This ministry is for those who might appreciate taking communion in their home if they have been sick or for other reasons have not been able to attend church for a few Sundays.
Contact an Absentee
A phone call to someone who has missed a few Sundays to see how they are and let them know they are missed can often result in wonderful conversations and lead to an awareness of a pastoral need or illness.
To volunteer for this committee, or to tell the committee of a need for pastoral care, email